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Tuesday 23 October 2018

Best review of the book: The Ultimate Gift by Jim Stovall

About the Author: 'The Ultimate Gift' is written by Jim Stovall, an Americal best selling author for this book. He is blind and working as Advocate for the blind people.

About the Book-The Ultimate Gift

This best selling book is mostly gifted book by people during birthday, during achievement or during any occasion.  

The book delivers a story of a young boy who has no goals and aspirations from the life but living his life as it comes. The book is all about knowing the true sense of life with the story evolving around four central characters. 

Red Stevens who was a self made business man of oil companies and cattle ranches. Mr. Hamilton is 80 years old advocate working for his private firm and best friend of Mr. Red Stevens. Miss Margaret Hastings is a secretary of Mr. Hamilton, the lawyer. Jason Stevens is Mr. Red Stevens's great nephew who is a young boy with no goals towards the life and wasting the resources as it comes. 

Mr. Hamilton calls a meeting to read a Will of Mr. Red Stevens. All the near and dears of the Red Stevens receive a millions of money except young Jason. Jason lose the hope and get frustrated by knowing he received nothing inheritance from his great uncle. But Mr. Red Stevens has different plan for him. He wanted to give his billions of money and companies to a true receiver who can utilize it well and give it to the society. 

Read the complete novel to know how Jason receives the Ultimate Gift.

The book is divided into 15 chapters covering different lessons or Gift that Jason got one by one during the course of achieving the Ultimate Gift. 

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